

For an environmental, organic and natural development

Our actions are related to the environment, hygiene and improving the well-being of the local people.
The authenticity of the site, vegetation and nature that surround us are worth an unlimited number of stars.

Our philosophy is based on the environmental, ecological and organic development by participating in a fair and sustainable trade in the village.

The following characters are mainly concerned :

Farmers, fishermen, boatmen, the population, local crafts, the lemurs' park, local government.


Concerned with environmental protection and nature in particular, Le Maki Lodge Inn was the first institution in Nosy Komba (in 2006-2007) to use clean energy. On those dates, incandescent bulbs were replaced by energy-saving lamps.?Rightly "solar power at that time was not yet installed on Nosy Be".?Equipped with a photovoltaic and solar water heaters, Maki Lodge has been involved in the production of clean electricity, furthermore, the spring water used is captured directly into the mountain.

A generator of 4.5 Kva is used occasionally to connect appliances with high power.
Paying particular attention to the authenticity of the creek, Maki Lodge was built using a variety of lightweight materials, clean and suitable to the environment to ensure the quality of the site.
The bungalows that benefit from these materials have natural ventilation.


A healthy and organic food :

The fruits and vegetables are healthy because they come from local farmers on the island and organic since products are free from external chemical attacks.
Crustaceans (such as lobsters, shrimps, crabs etc...) or fish are caught directly in the sea. There is no middlemen, the "raw material" is, thus, directly delivered to the consumer.